The Kitchen Witch by Skye Alexander #Review

When it comes to finding new books to add to our collections, Estrella enjoys seeking out a large variety of books. From her collection of novels that she enjoys to her collection of books that cover various aspects when it comes to practicing astrology, learning how to use various local plants, cooking and so much more. So when she was sent, ‘The Kitchen Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Kitchen with Natural Ingredients, Sacred Rituals, and Spellwork‘, by Skye Alexander, she was excited to review it and learn from the materials.

You can watch Estrella’s video review below!

In this book, readers get not just a book of amazing recipes that they can create, using herbs and magic, but they can learn more about the ingredients used. This includes the information provided on the various properties found with herbs, spices, and other ingredients along with the symbolism when utilizing the ingredients in magic. Allowing practitioners to further their practices by adding magic to any meal!

“Every house witch knows: the kitchen is an essential part of your magical practice. From preparing food to enjoying a meal, it’s important to honor the process of making a dish, to appreciate each individual ingredient, and to make magic from the recipes you already know and love. First, dive into the world of kitchen magic and spellwork; then go back to the basics to learn the magical properties, qualities, and symbolism of 100 essential everyday ingredients so that you can learn to add a little magic to every meal. You’ll learn:
-That chocolate (especially the rich, dark variety!) is associated with love
-That snacking on figs can spark creativity and even help you earn money from your creative endeavors
-That you should choose your squash wisely for different shapes, colors, and even growing seasons are associated with different outcomes
-That onions can be used to ward off evil spirits and negative energies and can protect your home
-And much more!

Transform your favorite recipes into magical spells, use different ingredients to maximum advantage, and enhance your kitchen witchery with the help of The Kitchen Witch.”

You can get your copy today at Barnes & Noble and Amazon!

Disclosure: We received the product for review, which was used to facilitate this post. All opinions are our own.

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