Crystal Connections by Phillip Permutt #BookReview

Do you find personal connections with certain crystals or feel drawn to them? Do you ever come across a crystal and wonder what type of crystal it is, or what the properties are? If the answer is yes, then you are going to want to check out the book, ‘Crystal Connections: Understand the messages of 101 essential crystals and how to connect with their wisdom‘, by Philip Permutt.

Estrella was recently sent a copy to review. You can watch her review in the video below.

In the book, ‘Crystal Connections‘, readers get a very detailed, fully illustrated crystal guide that provides information on 101 essential crystals. This information goes past the basic mineral elements and such, leading readers to the actual healing and magical properties of crystals, written by one of the world’s leading crystal healers. Providing a deeper look into crystals on how one can connect by understanding the messages crystals provide.

With the messaging, readers get messaging that is geared at the powers that crystals hold, both the healing powers and the influence that crystals have on the environments they are in. Along with the properties, there is also information provided to readers on how to cleanse and care for their crystals, along with so much more! Making this book one that is perfect for anyone who works with crystals, has a want to learn more about crystals, or is even curious to learn more about crystals!

You can find the book, ‘Crystal Connections: Understand the messages of 101 essential crystals and how to connect with their wisdom‘, by Philip Permutt on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as many other book retailers!

Disclosure: We received the product for review, which was used to facilitate this post. All opinions are our own.

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