Steele Wizard Tarot: The Language of the Soul by Pamela Steele

Finding new tarot decks is a hobby that Estrella really enjoys. From scouring the metaphysical shops in our areas along with bookstore shelves to looking up the latest releases, Estrella finds a lot of joy in her passion for tarot. So when she was sent the deck, Steele Wizard Tarot: The Language of the Soul, by Pamela Steele, she was excited to check out this deck and share her thoughts with our audiences.

You can watch Estrella’s review below:

As you can see, Steele Wizard Tarot is an amazing 88-card Tarot deck. This beautiful deck comes with additional court cards and Major Arcana cards providing clear, concise information to help guide readers through a journey to find the answers they seek. Providing the insight that does not leave one guessing after a reading, and giving readers:

• The perfect tool to unlock the mysteries of your personal reality
• Internationally acclaimed by Tarot groups since its initial release
• The 88 hand-drawn cards are full of symbolism

With the included companion book, readers get a very detailed analysis of each card’s image, spreads, and so much more! Making the Steele Wizard Tarot, the perfect set to add to any collection!

This beautiful tarot set can be found at Amazon.

Disclosure: We received the product for review, which was used to facilitate this post. All opinions are our own.

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